صفحه اصلی > Agricultural zeolite : Properties of zeolite in agriculture

Properties of zeolite in agriculture

Properties of zeolite in agriculture

One of the key benefits of zeolite in agriculture is the increase in both the quantity and quality of crop production. In addition to this major advantage, it offers several other benefits, briefly outlined below:

Increased Crop Weight:

Due to the timely release of nutrients, which remain accessible to the plants, the yield and weight of crops are enhanced.

Fresher Crops:

The constant freshness of agricultural products is maintained by zeolite, which ensures the timely availability and distribution of nutrients to the plants.

Thicker and More Resilient Fruit Skins:

Agricultural zeolite thickens and strengthens the skin of fruits and crops, making storage in warehouses and silos easier and reducing spoilage and mold growth.

Increased Mineral Content in Plants:

Zeolite is rich in minerals, gradually releasing them into the soil, resulting in an increase in the mineral content of the plants.

Improved Plant Appearance:

The appearance, fragrance, color, taste, and nutrient content of plants and fruits are improved due to the enhanced mineral and nutrient supply from agricultural zeolite.

Reduced Blossom and Premature Fruit Drop:

Using potassium zeolite in orchards reduces blossom drop and premature fruit drop.

Increased Plant Resistance to Disease:

The high ion-exchange capacity of mineral zeolite fertilizers increases plant resistance to various fungal and bacterial diseases.

Improved Root Growth:

Potassium zeolite enhances root growth, leading to better plant establishment in the soil.

Increased Drought Resistance:

Zeolite increases the drought tolerance of fruit trees in orchards.

63% Increase in Yield:

Research shows that using agricultural zeolite in grains, vegetables, and fruits can boost crop yields by up to 63%.

Reduction of Aflatoxin Fungus:

Aflatoxin is a common fungus in agricultural products, and the use of agricultural zeolite helps prevent the development of high levels of aflatoxin in crops.

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